Liftgate: Common Issues and Practical Maintenance Tips

Life gate on the back of a truck.

Timely liftgate maintenance can make the difference between uninterrupted operations vs. costly downtime, stalled trucks, or worse. Hydraulic liftgate troubleshooting can be enormously complex, and when the pressure is on, and you lack the necessary tools or technical knowledge, there's little to do besides schedule a lift gate repair appointment.

Before allowing it to get to that point, read on for the most practical maintenance tips from Texas Hydraulic & Equipment, the premier liftgate specialists of the greater Dallas-Ft. Worth region.

Signs That You May Need Liftgate Maintenance

Keeping your liftgate working smoothly and efficiently requires following through on any sign of suboptimal operation. Nearly all the following liftgate malfunctions will start as small, nearly imperceptible issues that become much worse over time.

Fluid Leaks

Don't ignore visible leaks or puddles, which usually indicate one or more hydraulic fluid leaks. Even a slow drip over time can eventually cause total malfunction.

Slow Downward Drift

Liftgate platforms are meant to hold their position, even when stopped, and a liftgate platform that slowly tilts down is not normal. It's often the sign of a hydraulic system leak.

Irregular Function

If your liftgate moves unevenly, there could be a combination of factors, including fluid leaks, damaged wiring, and/or a failing pump. Total inoperability may require significant hydraulic liftgate troubleshooting and repairs, after which the best thing to prevent future breakdowns is committing to a regular maintenance cycle.

Slow Movement

Slower movement than you're used to could indicate a failing hydraulic pump or poorly lubricated joints. Those same issues can also cause squeaking, grinding, and other problematic noises. Low voltage, often caused by charging or wiring issues, can also contribute to slow or improper movement.

Even if you aren't sure if your liftgate is performing like new, our recommendation is to have your liftgate serviced three to four times a year. It will catch small issues before they become more costly later on, and it's downright essential when work operations depend on mobile liftgates.

Helpful Truck Liftgate Maintenance Tips

Regular service is key to maintaining efficient liftgate operation. Between service appointments, you can almost guarantee ongoing equipment reliability by making these important liftgate services second nature:

  • Keeping a regular maintenance checklist for each liftgate

  • Thoroughly training staff in proper liftgate use

  • Collecting reports on leaks and other signs of disrepair

  • Conducting daily liftgate inspections, including signs of excessive wear or leaks

  • Watching your auxiliary or primary truck batteries, which liftgates can drain

  • Equipping liftgates with dedicated chargers or replacement batteries

  • Fully charging liftgate batteries whenever possible and periodically load-testing them

  • Inspecting liftgate solenoids for signs of burnout (often a result of low-voltage operation)

  • Checking all terminals to maintain tight connections and zero corrosion

  • Replacing any degraded wire insulation or exposed wires

As you can see, liftgate failure can affect not only your trucks themselves but stall your operations as well. Rather than risk blocking traffic or a business partner's facility while you wait on a charge, take proactive measures now to ensure your liftgates are as dependable as you expect them to be.

Trust Texas Hydraulic & Equipment for Comprehensive Liftgate Maintenance Solutions

The more your business depends on mobile liftgates, the more you should take liftgate preventative maintenance seriously. It will not only protect daily revenue streams but your employees, equipment, and materials.

Texas Hydraulic & Equipment's experienced technicians are masters of hydraulic liftgate troubleshooting. We can quickly zero in on the maintenance services that will make a difference to your liftgate's operation, efficiency, and safety. Having been at the forefront of liftgate technologies since 1945, you can depend on us for expert diagnoses and services across the widest range of hydraulic liftgate technologies.

We're committed to providing excellent service and workmanship for your hydraulic liftgate devices. Many of our customers travel upwards of 100 miles because they know the value of working with a true expert in their field. Contact us or pay us a visit at our DFW Metroplex workshop and ensure your liftgates are working at peak efficiency.